Jason Reece, PhD
Project Evaluator

Jason Reece is an assistant professor of city and regional planning at the Knowlton School. His research, teaching and professional experience focuses on social equity in city planning, fair housing, health equity and asset-based community development. Reece has acted as an advisor and capacity builder to foundations, non-profits, community organizations and government agencies. He has managed more than $10 million in research initiatives and contributed to more than 110 scholarly or technical publications. His work has been featured in 41media publications and was an invited guest speaker to more than 300 professional engagements. Reece has worked with partner organizations in more than 30 states in the US and acted as a capacity builder for the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Sustainable Communities Initiative for four years. He currently is President of the Board of Directors for the Parsons Avenue Community Development Corporation. Reece was formerly the senior associate director and director of research for the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. He established the opportunity communities program at the Institute, developed the opportunity mapping methodology and established the Institute’s health equity program. Learn more