
Upcoming Events

Dance With Us & Support Families

Ever watch Dancing with the Stars and think: I could do that!

Do it for charity on June 14 when Families Flourish and The Crystal Ballroom team up to dance for a cause!

All proceeds benefit Families Flourish, whose mission is to create a more equitable community for families by empowering them to achieve and succeed through a holistic support initiative.  

Power of Opportunity Fundraiser 2023

Families Flourish’s Power of Opportunity fundraiser is planned for Thursday, December 7, from 5:30-7 p.m.

Eat, drink, DONATE, and meet some members of our new families and our pilot families. Watch this webpage for more details as the committee secures them.

Families Flourish makes affordable rental housing available in neighborhoods that offer access to green spaces, schools, safe neighborhoods, employment and other indicators of success so that all families at all income levels in Central Ohio have a true choice to live in a community of opportunity.

Be part of our growth! Tickets fuel our invitation for the next families to enter our unique program. The family you help may very well be a family living around the corner.

Thank you to our Power of Opportunity Sponsors

Is Snob Zoning America's New Redlining?

Join Families Flourish at Columbus Metropolitan Club on Wednesday, November 29 at noon.

Featuring Richard D. Kahlenberg, Non-resident Scholar, Center on Education and Workforce, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, Senior Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute, Professorial Lecturer, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University, and Author, Excluded: How Snob Zoning, NIMBYism, and Class Bias Build the Walls We Don’t See, and Shayla Favor, Member, Columbus City Council, with host Amy Klaben. President & CEO, Families Flourish.

Help Us Meet your Neighbors, Friends, Colleagues or Fellow Congregants!

Families Flourish is looking for willing hosts and sponsors to introduce us to more Central Ohio neighbors. Here’s how you can help:

Host a House Party

Gather 5-50 of your friends in your living room or at your favorite gathering place. You bring the crowd and we’ll bring the information – easy as that. We can also provide a location!

Host us at your place of work

Do you belong to an employee resource group, professional development circle or does your company host regular community meetings? We would love 10 minutes to tell your colleagues about our work.

Introduce us to your faith community

Families Flourish has enjoyed the support of several Central Ohio faith groups. If your congregation has a mission committee, a regular program with speaker needs, or another way to connect, please consider an invitation to Families Flourish.

Invite us to your book club

Recently a MTP donor’s book club was reading “Evicted” and invited FF CEO & President and reknowned housing expert Amy Klaben to speak. Do you have a similar opportunity?